TURA is one of the pioneering industrial IoT solution providers. We offer easy deployments with programmable IoT modules that integrate sensors and actuators. Our team sets up the necessary automation and alarm systems and enables real-time monitoring of process data through a web-based mini SCADA interface immediately after installation. Additionally, we provide data analytics tools to support your decision-making process.
ISO 20000-1 Bilgi Teknolojileri Hizmet Yönetim Sistemi
ISO 22301 İş Sürekliliği Yönetim Sistemi
ISO 27001 Bilgi Güvenliği Yönetim Sistemi
ISO 9001 Kalite Yönetim Sistemi
Your third eye and ear are on your premises. You can receive real-time data from your premises, or our system can manage your processes based on parameters that you can change remotely at any time. Previous records and events are registered with a date-time stamp for further evaluation. The system allows you to control parameters and sends reports at the periods or events that you specify.